Going to a brothel to have sex can be dangerous because you can catch STDs from prostitutes working there. However, going to a best sex doll brothel is a much better idea because it is safer. You will find many sex doll brothels all over the world where men go and have sex with sex dolls. So, where are these sex doll brothels? Should you go there to have sex? Let’s discuss everything in this article.
Here are 3 amazing sex doll brothels:
- Doll House (Denmark)
This sex doll brothel is located in a very nice place near Aarhus. You have to pay DKK 500 for a half an hour session and DKK 800 for an hour session with the sex dolls. You can add more sex dolls to increase your pleasure at an extra cost.
- The Dolly Parlour (England)
If you are in South London, specifically Greenwich, then you should visit The Dolly Parlour which is becoming a popular destination now. You will have to pay £50 to be with the doll for 30 minutes and £130 for a couple of hours.
- Xdolls Brothel (France)
This is located in Paris and was the first sex doll brothel in France. This sex doll brothel has offers such as spending an hour with a sex doll for €89 and two hours for €150. Also, you can have a threesome involving your wife and a sex doll for €120 per hour.
Advantages of Going to a Sex Doll Brothel:
Saving Space: You don’t have to use the space in your house to store the sex doll as the doll will remain in the brothel. Thus, you will save space in your house.
No Maintenance: Maintaining sex dolls can be a huge task. If you don’t own a sex doll, then you don’t need to worry about cleaning and maintenance.
Less Costly: Buying a sex doll will require a huge amount of money. However, if you go to sex doll brothels, you can try out a variety of sex dolls without spending a too much money.
Disadvantages of Going to a Sex Doll Brothel
Health Concerns: You don’t know how the dolls are cleaned and sanitized. You will be sharing the sex dolls with others.
Inconvenience: You can’t have sex with the doll whenever you want and there is a lack of privacy.
What the Future Lies for Sex Doll Brothels?
Sex doll brothels are becoming increasingly popular in most countries. There are advantages as well as disadvantages of going to a sex doll brothel. With the rise in popularity of sex dolls, the number of brothels will also increase.